What to buy (and what not to buy) for Digital Economy Researchers

The internet – as we can probably guess – is made up of lots of strange and ‘interesting’ things to see, do and buy. However strange or different, all products are targeted at someone. I feel I may have found a collection of items that could have been targeted at that ‘someone’ within the digital economy. There are a few well-known products in the mix, alongside other you’d be slightly embarrassed by if your colleagues caught sight of your order confirmation email.

1. Nimbus

This Smart Dashboard can be used to keep track of emails, tweets and weather, along with the usual time and date. I quite like the idea, but I normally have my phone next to me all day which does the same thing. On the plus side, this product was socially designed at Quirky, so part of the revenue goes back into the community.


2. The social shower curtain

I don’t want this…


3. G-PAWS pet GPS tracker

All I need now is a cat! I would actually like to track my cat, if I had one, just out of curiosity.


4. Makey Makey

This allows you to turn anything into a keyboard, or even musical instruments.  I can imagine this to be fun for those who know how to operate such gadgets, but less technical folk are unlikley to have as much fun…

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5. Twitter loo roll

No explanation needed. Apparently its all sold out!


6.  The Smiirl

A physical Facebook ‘like’ counter ideally for shop windows or bars, not for your desk…


7. Unlock doormat

“Each to their own” as the saying goes…


8. Bluetooth Gloves

If I have to hold my phone, or hand to my ear, I might as well talk on my phone – plus what happens if the gloves get wet, like on a snowy day , when you typically wear gloves…

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9. A Facebook hanger

Again “each to their own”.


10. The Ikettle

Basically for the impatient person inside you who needs coffee the minuet they walk through the door!

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